Jurnal Ilmu Teknik Mesin (JITM) https://jitm.poltek-gt.ac.id/ejournal <p>Tentang Jurnal Ini</p> <p>Jurnal Ilmu Teknik Mesin (JITM) merupakan sebuah jurnal peer review yang dikelola oleh Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Politeknik Gajah Tunggal.. Kami menerima artikel riset original dalam lingkup Ilmu Teknik Mesin. Seluruh artikel dalam JITM bersifat terbuka yang memungkinkan artikel tersedia secara bebas dan daring.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Tim Editor</strong></p> <p>Pembina : Dr. Ita Mariza</p> <p>Ketua Redaksi : Puguh Elmiawan, S.Pd., M.Pd.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Editor</strong></p> <p>Muhammad Ibnu Rusydi, S.Pd., M.Pd</p> <p>Muhammad Rikza As-subhy, A.Md.</p> <p>Dr. Dharmanto, A.Md., S.T., M.T.</p> <p>Rafika Risanty, S.Hum., M.M.</p> <p>Aluysius Marwoto, S.E.</p> <p>Slamet Afandi, A. Md., S.T.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Reviewer </strong></p> <p>Dr. Dharmanto, A.Md., S.T., M.T., Poltek GT; Manufaktur Maju &amp; Nanotechnology</p> <p>Dr. Gun Gun Ramdlan Gunadi, S.T., M.T. ; Politeknik Negeri Jakarta; Heat and Mass Transfer</p> <p>Dr. Agus Widyianto, M.T., Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta; Welding &amp; Machine Vision</p> <p>Dr. Cahya Sutowo, S.T., M.T., LIPI-BRIN, Metallurgical Engineering</p> <p>Dr. Cahyo Setyo Wibowo, S.T, M.T., LEMIGAS-ESDM, Konversi Energi</p> <p>Puguh Elmiawan, S.Pd., M.T.,Poltek GT; Komposit &amp; CNC</p> <p>Ahmad Zohari, S.T., M.Eng., Poltek GT; Manufaktur &amp; CNC</p> <p>Ilham Taufik Maulana, S.ST., M.T., Poltek GT; Material &amp; Komposit</p> <p>Muhammad Ibnu Rusydi, S.,Pd., M.T., Poltek GT; Teknologi Mekanik</p> <p>Muhammad Ridwan Arif Cahyono, S.T., M.T., Poltek GT; Teknik Elektro</p> <p>Adik Susilo Wardoyo, S.Pd, M.T., Poltek GT; Mekatronika</p> <p>Henry Prasetyo, S.Si., M.T., Poltek GT; Teknik Elektro</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>IT Supervisor</strong></p> <p>Muhammad Rikza As-subhy A.Md. (Email: rikza@poltek-gt.ac.id)</p> id-ID lppm@poltek-gt.ac.id (Muhammad Ibnu Rusydi, S.Pd., M.Pd.) rikza@poltek-gt.ac.id (Muhammad Rikza As-subhy) Wed, 07 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Analisis Tegangan Static Pada Perancangan Mesin Rewinding Liner Menggunakan Metode Finite Element Analysis https://jitm.poltek-gt.ac.id/ejournal/article/view/19 <p><em>In the industrial sector of the current era, technological developments in the manufacturing industry are increasingly rapid. Therefore, it is necessary to have facilities and infrastructure that support the production process so that it can run optimally. As is the case at Plant A, which produces bias tires for heavy vehicles such as buses and trucks. One of the important machines in Plant A is the liner rewinding machine. Liner rewinding machine is a machine for rewinding the liner on the raw material. The liner that carries out the rewinding process is a liner whose sides are not neat. If this untidy liner is directly used in the calendar topping process, there will be scrap in the treatment that is detrimental to the company.For now, the centering process on the rewinding liner machine is still done manually, namely shifting the roll liner with an iron rod. The design of this modified rewinding liner engine aims to add a centering device, namely an EPC sensor with an output using a cylinder. With the addition of this centering device, the rewinding process will be faster and more effective.</em></p> Puguh Elmiawan, Reda Sulistya Afiatullah Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmu Teknik Mesin (JITM) https://jitm.poltek-gt.ac.id/ejournal/article/view/19 Wed, 07 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Perancangan Meja Kerja Dengan Pendekatan Finite Element Method Di Departemen Prl Head Office Pt Lsa https://jitm.poltek-gt.ac.id/ejournal/article/view/24 <p><em>Currently the workbench used by Dept. PRL employees needs repair. The work table currently owned has a model of 1 work desk that is used simultaneously so that the distance between employees is very close, Changes to the new work desk will be adjusted to the value of the user's body characteristics and the manufacture of a new work desk also pays attention to the safety factor and material strength. which material to use. In repairing the workbench, the Finite Element Method (FEM) approach is used. Where with this method we can find out the Factor of safety in the design and materials used on the workbench, through test simulations using software we can find out the feasibility of the materials and designs used. which has specifications and prices according to needs and testing on the frame also includes testing of welded joints and threaded connections, to determine the safety of the frame before loading simulation is carried out, the value of factor of safety on the table frame after testing with a load in stages starting from 50 kg up to 150 kg can be declared safe because in testing the heaviest load of 150 kg produces a value of 6,219 FS where the value above is from the safety standard of material 6 which makes the frame safe even in accepting loads up to 150 kg</em></p> Ilham Taufik Maulana, Marcelino Darusman Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmu Teknik Mesin (JITM) https://jitm.poltek-gt.ac.id/ejournal/article/view/24 Wed, 07 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Modifikasi Rancang Bangun Chute Untuk Mengurangi Batu Bara Tumpah https://jitm.poltek-gt.ac.id/ejournal/article/view/22 <p><em>Conveyor is a mechanical equipment that functions to move or transfer goods from one point to another. At PT. The BCD conveyor is used to move coal from the dump hooper to the transport ship. In the PT ABC conveyor system there is a chute as a coal channel from the conveyor belt feeder to the transfer conveyor.In the coal transfer process there was a problem where a lot of coal spilled onto the left and right sides of the transfer conveyor, therefore modifications were made to the chute. with the chute design study method based on observations in the field. That is by reducing the chute output according to applicable standards. This modification of the structure aims to reduce spilled coal. After modification the spilled coal is reduced to ± 8 kg per day for each hopper.</em></p> Ahmad Zohari, Nefryanto Rupa Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmu Teknik Mesin (JITM) https://jitm.poltek-gt.ac.id/ejournal/article/view/22 Wed, 07 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Factor Of Safety Pada Alat Cleaning Mold https://jitm.poltek-gt.ac.id/ejournal/article/view/20 <p><em>This study aims to determine the factor of safety in cleaning mold tools using sandblasting as a tool. The analysis shows that the cleaning method that is still done manually on the Cleaning Mold machine causes health risks and low productivity. To overcome this problem, a modification was made to the Cleaning Mold machine by taking into account the factor of safety on the support frame. In this study, the calculation of tensile stress and shear stress was carried out to determine the required material strength. The calculation results show that the load on material strength and weld and bolt strength are declared safe to use because the values are in accordance with safety standards. It is hoped that the modifications to the Cleaning Mold machine can increase work effectiveness and safety.</em>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Muhammad Ibnu Rusydi Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmu Teknik Mesin (JITM) https://jitm.poltek-gt.ac.id/ejournal/article/view/20 Wed, 07 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Motor Listrik Dan Pneumatik Sebagai Sistem Penggerak Pada Simulator Mesin Building https://jitm.poltek-gt.ac.id/ejournal/article/view/23 <p><em>To produce expert and superior human resources, it is necessary to pay more attention to the education sector. Because education plays an important role as the main institution for human resource development which clearly shapes students to become national assets. For this reason, education must prepare the young generation of the 21st century who are superior, empowered, highly competitive and able to work together to achieve prosperity for every country and the world. To improve employee competence, it can be done in various ways, one of which is to change the training method and choose the most effective method so that the absorption of knowledge will increase so that the competency value of new employees will also increase</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Bibit Hartono, Abinawa Bismadi Cakradara Seta Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmu Teknik Mesin (JITM) https://jitm.poltek-gt.ac.id/ejournal/article/view/23 Wed, 07 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Modifikasi Push Roll Wind Up Menggunakan Sistem Pneumatic Pada Mesin Jointless Pt. Xyz https://jitm.poltek-gt.ac.id/ejournal/article/view/21 <p><em>At the PCR plant there are 3 machines that produce jointless, including DS-LJL1, DSL-JL2 and DSL-JL3. However, the DSL-JL1 machine produces fewer products than the DSL-JL2 and DSL-JL3, because the winding process is still done manually by moving the jointless rolls one by one by the operator which can affect the cycle time in the wind up process.Engine modification is one way to increase the capacity of the DSL-JL1 engine. The system in the winding process is changed to semi-automatic, this process can shorten the processing time when winding up.The result of this research is to modify the DSL-JL1 engine by adding a pneumatic system called push roll to the winding process. The jointless rolls that have been winded will be driven by a cylinder attached to each winding, so that the jointless rolls can be moved simultaneously, by changing the manual system to semi-automatic. Before installing the push roll, the average winding time was ± 47 minutes and after the push roll was installed it dropped to an average of ± 41 minutes for every 1 time winding process. Thus shortening the wind up time 7 minutes faster than before, DSL-JL 1 experienced an increase in production capacity of roll jointless reaching 11%.</em></p> Dharmanto, Ajeng Latifah Perdana Putri, Puguh Elmiawan Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmu Teknik Mesin (JITM) https://jitm.poltek-gt.ac.id/ejournal/article/view/21 Wed, 07 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700